
A quick travel, study and work experience

I’m that girl that wants everything. I’m sure you know someone just like me or are one yourself! The main reason I came to the UK was to follow my gut and get a degree in what interested me. I’m not the first nor the last person to leave everything I know and go to […]

Paula’s experience in the UK!

Hello everyone!! My name is Paula. I am from Spain and I spent one of the best years of my life in Bournemouth. Once I finished my degree in Education at University in Spain, I thought it will be great for my career to go to the UK and improve my English. I really believe […]


Si tienes pensado ir a vivir a Inglaterra y necesitas alojamiento, la verdad es que te aconsejaría ponerte en contacto con una agencia. Puede ser desde tu propia ciudad o desde Inglaterra como Student Works, ya que te pueden ayudar a encontrar vivienda. Probablemente si lo haces desde una agencia deberas pagar unas tasas por administración, pero […]